“What is the cheapest way to replace a missing tooth?”
I am a 39 year old male. I want to know what is the cheapest way to replace a missing tooth?
8 Answers
Cheapest way is not to replace it. Just kidding. Actually, cheapest way is to get a partial denture.
Not the best way, but the cheapest way to replace a missing tooth is to have a flipper made. You cannot use it to chew on. It is only for looks.
If your missing tooth is on the front, for example canine and incisors, the cheapest way would be a "Flipper" or "Stayplate", which is a removable device/appliance that's meant for esthetics, not meant for chewing with it.
The cheapest is just to leave an empty space and not replace the tooth. Any method to replace a missing tooth are expensive, including a bridge, partial denture or dental implant. You should consult with a dentist, who can examine your mouth and help you decide what is the best method of replacing your missing tooth, and give you an estimate on the cost.