Psychiatrist Questions Psychiatrist

What is the name for this psychiatric condition?

I need to direct a client to a psychiatrist. He is an 80 year old white/male, retired orthopedic surgeon. Under stress he reverts back to an infantile character--talks baby talk, cries, and makes statements such as "You're being mean to me." "You're not my best friend anymore." After the stress passes he returns to normal behavior. What's the name for this, and who should I refer him to?

Male | 80 years old
Complaint duration: months
Medications: unknown
Conditions: moderate cognitive decllineine

4 Answers

To obtain a thorough evaluation, I would look into a neuropsychological evaluation for this person.
First, he should see a neurologist. Evaluate carotid circulation. A geriatric psychiatrist should also see him.
Your friend seems to have some kind of dementia that needs to be investigated and diagnosed properly by a geriatric psychiatrist or geriatric medicine specialist.

Check this link out for some insight into your question...