Plastic Surgeon Questions Plastic Surgeon

What is the recovery time for liposuction on thighs?

I am a 30 year old female. I want to know what is the recovery time for liposuction on thighs?

6 Answers

In general liposuction usually requires 3 to 5 days of downtime after initial surgery and then you can resume daily activity. Full activity, i.e. getting back to the gym, etc. usually can happen following liposuction at the 2 to 3 week mark
Usually the recovery time for general activity is a week or two and many patients do better than that. However, tenderness and bruising last about a month or so, and swelling with”lumpiness” can persist as long as a year but are seldom serious or debilitating.
Dr. M
Depend on the level of recovery you are enquiring about:

1. To be able to get up and walk around 1-3 days
2. Bruising to go away 2-3 weeks
3. Swelling reduce enough to see result 3-4 weeks
4. Most of the swelling gone 3 months
5. Skin tightening/normal up to 6 months

These are just general guidelines. This may change depends on: How much fat? How much liposuction needed? Skin quality and excessive skin? Where on the thighs? Is knees contouring needed? Because sometimes, if the knees are not addressed, thigh reductions can make your legs look like "bamboo legs." Thigh aesthetic is supposed to be tapering downward. A good consultation may be helpful for your concerns.
From Dr. Richland:

Depending on the amount of liposuction needed, you could likely return to desk work within several days and more strenuous activities in about 2 weeks.

Jessica Richland
1-2 weeks
2 weeks