Psychologist Questions Psychologist

What is the success rate of cognitive behavioral therapy?

I am a 38 year old male. I want to know what is the success rate of cognitive-behavioral therapy?

5 Answers

I would recommend looking into the literature from Scott Miller and Prochaska and DiClemente on the whole subject of change and CBT outcomes stats
CBT has a very high success rate for numerous conditions. There are many factors that influence success such as your motivation for change, connection with your therapist, and if your environment is conducive for change.

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Cognitive behavioral therapy, or CBT, is used as a treatment method for many mental health disorders. The success rate differs depending on the disorder it is being used for. For example, CBT has a success rate of 82% when treating patients with body dysmorphic disorder, while having a success rate of between 51-87% for depression.
Very high!! I’ve seen literally thousands of patients in my 34 years of treating psychiatric patients. Cognitive behavioral therapy works wonders!
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