Behavior Technician Questions Psychologist

What is the treatment for panic disorder?

I was diagnosed with panic disorder. What is the treatment for panic disorder?

6 Answers

Medication and therapy
Evidenced-based methods such as Cognitive behavioral therapy approved by a body of APA American Psychologists; acceptance and commitment therapy; dialectical behavioral therapy; experiential acceptance; mindfulness-based cognitive therapy; panic disorder; and third-wave psychotherapies. Medications if needed or as needed and management of them and any and all other client services for health, nutrition, doctor visits, and therapist visits, to address any other functions of treatment for therapeutic purposes of bringing about better. mental health as deemed safe and appropriate by a doctor and/or therapist. Many times a combination of medication if needed and prescribed by a psych doctor and meditation, counseling/therapy, deep breathing exercises, and time for daily love and adherence with the techniques into a dependable, consistent behavioral routine daily.
I can't speak about your panic disorder exactly, but in general, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and most of the time antidepressants (SSRIs) are the standard treatment. CBT helps the client learn how to change their behaviors (usually avoidance) and their thoughts (usually catastrophic) along with relaxation techniques to help manage the panic/anxiety. There is also interoceptive exposure that is effective. Usually medication alone is not as effective as therapy.
Hello, Thank you for the question. Panic Disorder may best be addressed from psychotherapy while considering the role(s) of medication, supplementation, sleep, nutrition, and anything organic. I would be willing to hear your story and see how we may best assist.
Hello! There are many approaches to panic disorder. One is through medication, for which, if you prefer to try that , it is best to see a psychiatrist so that the particular choice of medication is best suited to you, given your age, health, lifestyle, etc. Another is via hypnosis. For that method, seek out a person certified in hypnosis who specializes in anxiety disorder. You can find a properly traied person through the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis (ASCH). Hypnosis is appropriate for anyone who does not have a seizure disorder. People also often join a support group adjunctively. Good luck! As a clinician, I have never seen a person with panic disorder who has not been cured! peace, Marian
Your initial treatment should include medicine that works right away, to prevent panic attacks. But it should also include starting medicine that is better, long-term (but that takes a while -- often weeks -- to take effect). Once it starts working, you can come off the first medicine. Then you can consider whether psychotherapy would alsoo be helpful, to understand and eliminate the triggers of panic attacks.