Gastroenterologist Questions Gastroenterologist

What is wrong with me?

I felt sick for like a week the feeling of wanting to vomit. I would shake uncontrollably when not cold. My mouth would water weirdly. I had trouble eating anything for 2 days. My stomach would feel empty even after I ate and I would feel my stomach make noises and I would feel some liquid sometimes. I had trouble sleeping for days. I feel better now but when I go out somewhere I get scared and nervous and have the feeling of wanting to be sick.

Female | 13 years old
Complaint duration: 8 days

1 Answer

It sounds like you have nausea and stomach upset, maybe from an acute infection of the stomach or intestines. This can be caused by a bacteria or virus, possibly from something you ate. If you are getting better then there is probably nothing to do. But if the symptoms don't go away and/or you lose weight or get anemic, then you should see a pediatrician.
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