Chiropractor Questions Chiropractor

What kind of cream can you use for hip pain?

I have hip pain and want to treat it. What kind of cream can you use for hip pain?

3 Answers

What kind of pain are you experiencing? Some people find relief with over-the-counter creams such as Bengay, Tiger Balm, and Icy Hot.
Have you been diagnosed yet by a Health Care Provider as to why you are having hip pain? That is the first step to do if you haven’t already done so. Depending on the Diagnosis, topical cream may or may not be helpful. The first thing to do is to get proper Diagnosis and then Treatment to heal the tissue that is causing your Hip Pain. Necessary treatments to fix the problem causing the pain rather than just putting a band-aid on it, like cream, while meanwhile the cause of the pain isn’t being addressed causing the problem to only get worse.
The best type of cream is no cream. There are products you could buy but you'd be wasting your money as there is no evidence to demonstrate they work. Even my clinic, I don't apply creams or ointments because they don't seem to do much. You could actually try an Epsom salt bath and that will help with muscle soreness. The best thing you could do is see a physical therapist because the pain might not actually be from your hip but from your back (I see that very often in my clinic). Get it checked out and make sure you don't damage anything further.