Ophthalmologist Questions Ophthalmologist

What makes astigmatism worse?

I was diagnosed with astigmatism. What makes astigmatism worse?

2 Answers

Your prescription for your eyes will change as you age. Astigmatism can increase due to changes in the corneal curvature and changes to the lens in the eye where cataracts can also develop. There is nothing that you can do to prevent these normal aging changes in order to stop or prevent astigmatism from occurring. There are treatments for your astigmatism to correct it that include glasses, contact lenses, or refractive surgery. Based upon your age, health conditions, and any other eye conditions, you should discuss your options with an eye doctor. You should know all of the pros, cons, risks, and costs of any decision that you decide upon. Good luck and best wishes.

Environmental changes , age , physiological changes