Psychiatrist Questions Psychiatrist

What medications help with anger?

I have anxiety. What medications help with anger?

3 Answers

If your anger is a symptom of anxiety there are many medications that can help with this. medications know as SSRI's or SNRI's can help. However, there are other causes of anger. The first step is making sure the issue is truly anxiety and not other psychiatric issues that may be worsened with the wrong type of medication.
There are no specific medications that treat anger, but there are medications that treat anxiety, as well as therapy is helpful for both anxiety and anger. Please see your doctor for this and seek out a therapist
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Anger can be caused by a variety of different mental health issues. Knowing the right type of medication would be dependent on the underlying reason. Psychologists (with few exceptions) do not prescribe medication, but can help diagnose the reason. A Psychiatrist is the best for determining the appropriate medication to manage the symptoms.