“What pain medications are safe to take after nose surgery?”
I am a 22 year old female. I want to know what pain medications are safe to take after nose surgery? Advil, Tylenol, etc.?
6 Answers
Good question. Tylenol is safe unless you are allergic to it and don’t take it in excess.. You may also be prescribed a narcotic pain med such as hydrocodone. The narcotics taken correctly are safe vis-à-vis the surgery but one must not drive or operate a motor vehicle while under the influence of a narcotic. Advil Motrin and the other so-called nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can cause bleeding and should be avoided for two weeks before and two weeks after rhinoplasty
Any over the counter pain medications should help. I would recommend Advil or Aleve. They are going to work for inflammation which is what you are most likely experiencing pain from.
All are relatively safe to take for a short time, provided you have no liver or kidney issues. After nose surgery, you should only need those types of medications for a few days to a few weeks depending on the surgery you are having. These medications do damage over long-term use, meaning daily use for 6 months or more. Keep Tylenol under 3000mg per day and Ibuprofen/Advil under 600mg per day to be safe. Make sure to always eat food with ibuprofen and drink lots of water. Your doctor/surgeon may also give you some other pain medication to take for the first few days.