Gastroenterologist Questions

What’s my condition?

Last week on Saturday I had a headache or migraine (not sure which one it is) and I only ate once that day which was 9 buffalo wings. On Sunday, I noticed | didn't have much of an appetite so I only ate a small amount of mashed potatoes with green beans. A couple hours later my stomach felt tight and when I stood up straight it didn’t make it feel any better. Later that night around 12am I vomited and could see what I ate which was the mashed potatoes and green beans. I vomited once more and it was clear fluid (assuming water I drunken). Three days after that, I feel fine and I’m able to eat but just not as much as usual. I can hold everything down and I even have cravings but I haven’t gotten a signal from my body that I’m hungry. Also, two days ago I got a sore on the roof of my mouth and another close by that’s at the roof of my mouth as well. It’s not that bothering & I think they’re canker sores so I’ve been doing salt water rinses ever since they appeared and they look like they’re getting a lot better (I attached photos and I’ll note that I have been drinking red Gatorade & not too sure if that has anything to do with the appearance). I believe it’s impossible for it to be cold sores or anything related to herpes, I’m sure. Another thing. Today I got headache on the right side on my forehead so I took a ibuprofen have been fine since. I should probably note that at times I noticed something I would describe as a pulsing feeling in my stomach or abdominal area but not near my navel or belly button. I want to also note that I have NOT been experiencing heartburn, diarrhea, fever, chills, sneezing, coughing, excessive sweating, excessive burping or farting, back pain, side pain, problems with my throat or chewing.

Female | 21 years old
Complaint duration: 5 days
Medications: Ibuprofen (only taken for headaches), and Night Time cough
Conditions: Decrease in appetite, headache 3 days apart (not severe)

2 Answers

It would be best if you came in for an examination so we can discuss this
You may have had a small stomach infection. The sores on your palate might be from something you ate. Hard to tell from the photos. It doesn't sound serious. Eat healthy light foods for now and the symptoms should pass.