Gastroenterologist Questions Gastroenterologist

What's the best medicine for acid reflux?

I have acid reflux and want to treat it. What's the best medicine for acid reflux?

5 Answers

My questions are: are you strictly following reflux diet? Have you done lifestyle modifications as recommended? Have you had an EGD to make sure that there are no other diseases in the upper gastrointestinal tract? Have you been evaluated for gastroparesis? Have been evaluated for other diseases which may have similar symptoms? If there is no other problem, then follow strict reflux precautions. GERD medications only stop acid - they do not stop reflux from happening - I ask my patients with mild to moderate reflux - to try famotidine (Pepcid 20 mg 2 times a day) then add something like omeprazole (Prilosec) 20 mg a day as needed - this is AFTER they have had a full workup.
Diet and exercise.
There are several options for acid supression. Medicines such as proton pump inhibitors (omeprazole, pantoprazole, esopmeprazole) can be good options when taken 30 minutes to an hour before meals. Another class of medicines works on a different pathway to acid suppress and can be helpful as well: famotidine. It's not clear that there is a "best" option and sometimes takes trial and error. If symptoms of upset stomach persist despite a trial of antacid for a few days would seek advice from your physician.
Anil Seetharam MD
Anything that controls acid in the stomach will treat heartburn, so this includes pepcid, omeprazole and similar medications.