Orthopedics Questions Orthopaedic Surgeon

What’s the issue going on with my arm?

When I’m lying in bed with my left arm under the pillow, being on my left side/stomach, my arm hurts when having laid on it for too long. My elbow is slightly bent. Sometimes the pain/ache can go down into my forearm, sometimes. But it’s my upper arm being affected. I don’t have any tingling or numbness. Well sometimes it may feel numb. But it feels weak sometimes. Especially the first joints of my fingers. Why is my arm hurt so much while lying on it?

Complaint duration: 30

4 Answers

Hi, sorry that you’re not feeling well.

This could be a bunch of different things. When we sleep at night we are laying directly on our shoulder joints. This can sometimes cause a narrowing of the shoulder joint during sleep which can slightly irritate the tendons in the joint and cause pain. Another possibility could be that this is coming from your neck. If you have numbness a herniated disc or disc bulge at the neck is a possibility. I would recommend seeing a pain management doctor or physical medicine and rehab doctor for further evaluation and treatment.
You need to see a neurologist for a nerve conduction study to seek whether you have neuropathy.

Yours sincerely,

Linda Li, MD
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This is compression of your brachial plexus nerves. You're best to avoid laying in this fashion.
Can be muscles pinched the axial Larry nerve or it may be your cervical spine is laterally bent and pinching a cervical nerve root.