Doctor Questions Doctor

What's this on my body?

I've been taking amoxicillin for strep throat for 8 days, yesterday I had red itchy spots all over my arms and legs.

Female | 30 years old
Complaint duration: 2 days
Medications: Amoxicillin

4 Answers

This is a typical imuune complex rash that is common after a few days of antibiotics. They come from immune complexes that are deposited under the skin and are harmless - they will disapear after some days.
From what I can see and based on your symptoms, you may be having an allergic reaction to the amoxicillin. I would take some Benadryl or zyrtec to help with the rash. If your taking it for strep then you have 2 more days of antibiotics left. You will need to stop these and contact the clinic for a possible different antibiotic to finish the course.

Kay Kelts
It is hard to see for sure, but the rash looks most like hives. It does not appear to be a classical "ampicillin" rash or "E. Multiforme." It also does not appear to be the rash of "scarlet fever." The rash could be an allergic reaction to the amoxicillin, but it is also possible that the rash is simply a part of the strep infection, as hives are commonly a part of a strep infection.
A rash can often develop when one is sick or on antibiotics. Sometimes the rash may be a sign of an allergic reaction other times it is just related to the infection. I would advise following up with the physician who prescribed the Abx to determine the next step in evaluation.