Dentist Questions Dentist

What sedation is used for pediatric dentistry?

My daughter will have a dental procedure. I want to know what sedation is used for pediatric dentistry?

6 Answers

There are many types ranging from local anesthetic to general anesthesia. You must ask the dentist who is treating your child.
I am a general dentist. This question should be answered by your child’s pediatric dentist. He knows your child’s medical history. There are several types of sedation. Do not hesitate to call him. Please call him.
Some pediatric dentists use general anesthesia (depending on how invasive the procedure is) others use oral sedatives where your child is awake the entire time but drowsy and distracted. Lots of kids also do great with nothing but laughing gas. It really depends on the provider and what treatment is needed.
We are a general dentist and we do not use any sedation. You should check with the pedodontist who is doing the procedure.
It will depend on the dentist you are using. It could be nitrous oxide or they could give her a pill. You need to ask your child's dentist.

Generally it would depend on the procedure needed. Also each child has various Temperaments. Generally nitrous oxide and a light injectable anesthetic can be utilized without being sedated. If sedation is necessary then I highly recommend a competent pediatric physician decide the type and dosage of the sedative drug.