“What should you avoid if you have a brain aneurysm?”
I was diagnosed with a brain aneurysm. What should you avoid if you have a brain aneurysm?
1 Answer
Avoid high blood pressure and head trauma, both of which increase the danger of your aneurysm rupturing. A ruptured aneurysm can be fatal, or change your ability to think and be yourself due to damage to your brain from loss of blood. Some aneurysms are at higher risk of rupturing than others, depending on the shape, size and location. Your age and activity level are also factors to consider, when deciding to operate or not to prevent an aneurysm rupture. The expert you should consult is a neurosurgeon specializing in this area. There are procedures to seal-off the aneurysm from the artery (stenting the artery, filling, or clipping the aneurysm), that will eliminate the danger of your aneurysm rupturing. Placing a stent in the artery separates the aneurysm from the blood circulation. Filling the aneurysm with a coil, so that blood cannot enter it, also eliminates the risk of rupture. These procedures do not require opening your skull, while clipping does. A neurosurgeon will look at factors that determine risk of rupture, and help you decide what is your best course of action.