Plastic Surgeon Questions Plastic Surgeon

What to avoid after neck lift surgery?

I will have neck lift surgery. What to avoid after neck lift surgery?

4 Answers

turning your head, extension exercises, exercise in general.
avoid excess tension on the skin flap until sutures are removed and approved by the surgeon.
Your plastic surgeon should provide you with all their restrictions following face neck lift procedure. For my patients I limit activities to no lifting or bending, no excessive chewing, And no exposure 2 bacteria if patient works in health care settings. By the second week I allow patients to drive and allow light lifting under 5 lbs. By the third week they should be back to normal activities. Hope this helps. Get Outlook for iOS<>
Avoid any activities that increase your blood pressure right after surgery.
Avoid looking into the mirror too many times a day or talk to your friends who like to give you advises and criticism instead of being supportive.