“What to do about sudden neck pain?”
In the middle of the day sitting at my desk, I sometimes experience a sharp pain shooting from the left side of my jaw down to my shoulder. It only lasts a couple of seconds at most. What could be triggering this?
4 Answers
It does sound like a nerve kind of pain. If it keeps on happening again, an imaging may be needed to rule in/out the cause.
Most commonly it is caused by the posterior joints in the neck, which are called Facet joints, they protect the spinal cord and exiting nerves in the posterior spine. Anti-inflammatory medication or physical therapy is usually helpful. Injections are needed in some cases. Cardiac problems should be ruled out if you have any history or symptoms.
Positioning... you may need a more ergonomic work station. If it keeps happening you need a head and Cervical spine MRI to rule out nerve compression