OB-GYN (Obstetrician-Gynecologist) Questions OB-GYN

What would your guess be?

I was intimate and we're trying to get pregnant. I went to sleep after intercourse and had some liquid leakage through the night if I moved or got up. When I got up in the morning and used the restroom there was a huge glob of mucus when I wiped. Would that be vaginal discharge or semen? I have read that after a few hours of semen being in the body it liquifies?

Female | 28 years old
Complaint duration: 1
Medications: Metformin

4 Answers

Yes, liquefaction is possible and likely.
Not to worry, it's a mix of vaginal fluid and seminal fluid.
Can be both. But I guess could be the semen.
Vaginal discharge.

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