Gastroenterologist Questions Cramps

What could be the reason behind by painful stomach cramps?

For the last few days I am suffering from painful stomach cramps. What could be the reason behind these cramps? Will it subside on its own or will it require a medical surgery?

3 Answers

"Stomach"cramps can be a result of inflammation such as peptic disease or infectious causes i.e. Viral, H pylori etc. It may not be stomach at all. Gallbladder or colon could give similar symptoms. If not better in 3-5 days, you need to see your PCP or a GI doctor.
Too many possible causes. I would need more information to provide more specific information. Cramping could come from any part of the abdomen: stomach, small intestine or colon. Each of those organs might cause cramping for different reasons. If the cramping is in the lower abdomen below the belly button, then it is usually colonic in origin and irritable bowel syndrome is the most common cause of lower cramping, if it is chronic.
Please provide details. In order to answer your question, I need to know your gender, age, medical hostory, current medications, allergies, and duration of symptoms. It sounds like you should visit a physician for evaluation.