Ophthalmologist Questions Diabetic Retinopathy

When are you at risk of diabetic retinopathy?

My mother has been a diabetic for almost 20 years. She hasn't had any complications with her vision yet. When are you at risk of diabetic retinopathy?

10 Answers

When your blood sugar levels are not well controlled.
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One should have a thorough retinal exam as soon as one is diagnosed with diabetes whether or not one has vision symptoms. The best time to treat diabetic eye disease is BEFORE any symptoms arise. Modern treatments prevent vision loss. The key is timely care.
Most diabetics show some evidence of diabetic retinopathy after 18 years!

Annual dilated eye exams are crucial!
Dr G
About 60-75 % of patients who have had diabetes for 20 years will have diabetic retinopathy. Your mother has been fortunate. The better she controls her diabetes, the less likely damage will occur. She should get yearly eye exams.
Diabetics need yearly dilated eye exams. Diabetic retinopathy usually does not occur until 5 years into the disease, but some individuals have it and haven’t been diagnosed. Good control of blood sugars coupled with PCP monitoring and ophthalmologic care can maximize the chances of avoiding diabetic complications.
Average time for retinal findings is 2-5 years. Many diabetic symptoms are not noticed by patients until it is too late. Once macular edema and new vessels form it is too late. The American academy of ophthalmology suggests a dilated exam once a year as they are also at risk for glaucoma and early cataracts, not to mention drier eyes.
Risk of diabetes damage in the retina (Diabetic Retinopathy) increases with time. However, genetic predisposition, type of Diabetes (1 or 2), and blood sugar control all contribute to when or if you develop retinopathy. Even patients without complications should have a dilated eye exam every year. Diabetic retinopathy can be treated if it is caught promptly.
In general, the risk of diabetic retinopathy increases with the duration of elevated sugars. Individuals are recommended to have annual dilated eye exams for diabetes.

Frank Cao
Risk of diabetic retinopathy starts from 5 years of untreated and uncontrolled diabetes and after 25 years of controlled diabetes. Result is blindness. It is important to prevent it by strict diet and medication.