Orthopaedic Surgeon Questions Orthopedist

When can I drive after ankle dislocation?

I dislocated my ankle 2 days ago. When can I drive after ankle dislocation?

6 Answers

yes, if it does not hurt and checked by your podiatrist
depends on the xray
Hi! If it’s the left ankle you can drive as long as it’s not stick shift. The right ankle I would talk to your provider.
That depends on how severe the dislocation was. It depends on whether or not you had to have surgery. That is something you should discuss with your treating physician/surgeon.
Discuss with the treating physician.
The answer of to this is essentially directed at how is your dislocation being treated, likely you have a boot or a cast on, I assume it is your right foot affected, depending on the ligaments and/or structural damage, all these will determine how quickly you progress back to normalcy. I would follow up with a doctor and review the timeline expected.