Dentist Questions Dentist

When can I eat regular food after implant surgery?

I want to replace my missing tooth with an implant. When can I eat regular food after implant surgery?

5 Answers

It all depends. After a single tooth implant you can eat regular food in about a week, however, try to avoid the surgical site. If you have an immediate implant prothesis, such as an All on X fixed bridge, you will be restricted to a soft diet until you get the permanent bridge or denture, typically 4 to 8 moths.
It depends on how your implant is scheduled. If you are getting your crown on the implant the same day as the implant is placed, you must wait approximately 3 months before you can eat normally on that. If your implant is placed and allowed to heal for 3 months before the crown is placed, you won't have anything to chew on for those 3 months and must avoid hard and crunchy foods over the surgical site. But when the final crown is placed, you can eat normally right away. Dr. Conrad
For most cases, patients should feel and function normally about 2 weeks after surgery.
It"s usually best to wait a day. Then eat whatever you can tolerate comfortably. Submitted by, Dr. Sujit Mohanty,
It depends on what the food is and the nature of the surgery. Usually you can go back to eating most foods within a week. The biggest thing is avoiding sharp foods such as tortilla chips and very chewey foods such as beef jerkey. Essentially nothing that will poke or jab the site, or put too much pressure on the healing implant. Talk to your surgeon for specifics for your case! Adam Kwiatkowski DMD Peakview Cosmetic & Implant Dentistry 1200 28th St #300, Boulder, CO 80303 303-417-1644