Acupuncturist Questions Acupuncturist

When can I fly after acupuncture treatment?

I will have acupuncture treatment for my back pain. When can I fly after acupuncture treatment?

12 Answers

Hello, It would depend on what your flight itinerary indicates. Al Thieme, LAc, MAOM, MSEE Alfred Thieme, LAc Alchemy Functional Medicine 503-481-0283
Absolutely. You can fly after acupuncture. I have heard of acupuncturists even giving treatments in emergency situations while in flight. The only limitations I recommend for patients seeking help from pain conditions is moderate exercise. In other words, rather than pushing for an “heavy day” at the gym, or thar extra mile, go ahead and work out but take it easy. Same goes for libations and temperature exposure, avoid extremes for 24 hours following acupuncture.
One of the reason for that is that acupuncture is shown to restructure connective tissue and we are trying to create a new and better ‘muscle memory’ away from the primary complaint.
Great question! Let me know if you have any other questions. Happy to help!
Yes, you can fly after receiving acupuncture for your back. It is very important that you remain fully hydrated. Richard Mandell, Lic.Ac. Licensed Acupuncturist Brookline Community Acupuncture
Hi there, You can fly immediately after.
No restriction on flying after acupuncture,  at least not in my practice.
There are no restrictions or reason you wouldn't be able to fly after receiving acupuncture treatment. I would recommend that you keep yourself warm and covered while flying for your comfort.
I would just suggest staying well hydrated before and after an acupuncture treatment. Flying is not contraindicated with acupuncture so it is more than fine. I would inform your practitioner ahead of time just so they are aware. Sometimes treatments can be a little more intense or aggressive depending on the practitioner and the patient needs. Always a good idea to have good communication and inform your acupuncturist and/or any other practitioner of these things to avoid potential hazards and such!:)
After taking acupuncture then take half hour rest, then you can go anywhere include flying.
I'm not aware of any restrictions regarding air travel after receiving acupuncture.
There is no reason you can't fly immediately after an acupuncture treatment. You'll be very relaxed.
It depends. When a patient came to me with excruciating acute back pain, he could travel in two months after getting 12 tx, 2-3 times per week.