Dentist Questions Dentist

When can I sleep on my side after tooth extraction?

I am a 28 year old female. I want to know when can I sleep on my side after tooth extraction?

7 Answers

2 weeks after extraction
Not sure of the type of extractions (simple, impacted, root tips). How many? Historically, as long as you feel comfortable, there is no issue with sleeping on your side of the extraction. It may NOT be comfortable, which is why you would choose not to, but there are no ill effects.
Good luck.
Try not to on the day of extraction.
Same day as extraction, unless you have swelling
I would wait till the area has healed a bit.
You should be able to sleep on your side the night after the extraction, especially if it was a simple extraction.
Normally, the initial healing will take one week and will be ok in two weeks.