Dental Hygienist Questions Dentist

When do you get a crown after a dental implant?

I got an implant 2 weeks ago. When do you get a crown after a dental implant?

5 Answers

typically after 3-6 months assuming no complications
4-6 months after
Hi, After the Implant placement, next step is to let it heal. It can take up to 3 to 4 months, depending on your dentist and how you are healing. After that is the Abutment stage, a "post" that is screwed in the Dental Implant. After that is the Dental Crown
You have to wait minimum of 8 weeks before you can have the crown put on. Ideally it is best to wait 3-4 months and have an integration check to verify the implant is solid in the bone. When you go back they will take an impression and then two weeks later you will have a new crown. God Bless and Keep Smiling.
You have to wait about 3-4 months after the implant is placed to allow the bone to form around the implant in a process called osseointegration. Its important to allow the implant to integrate to prevent implant failure.