“When should my child get their pap smear done? ”
My child is 18 years old, and I think that she needs to have her pap smear done soon. At what age should she go?
6 Answers
The American college of obstetrics recommends routine pap smears start at the age of 21. And during this exam, only a sample is collected to test the cervix. Starting at age 30, women are tested for HPV (human papilloma virus). So, in answer to to your question, she still has 3 more years.
Women should begin having routine well woman care starting at age 18. Pap testing should not begin until age 21. The well woman exam is a great opportunity to talk to your doctor about many things, including sexually transmitted infections, contraception, and family planning, in addition to general wellness.
Age 21 for all girls is now the new guideline per the Centers for Diseaae Control and Prevention. If the Pap smear is normal, your provider may recommend a three year follow up test
The latest guidelines recommend starting pap smears at age 21 for all young women. The reason for starting screening at this age is due to earlier pap smear screening leading to many unnecessary treatments for abnormal pap smears that ultimately end up normalizing spontaneously (without treatment) in young healthy women.