Emergency Physician (Pediatric) Questions Pediatric Care

When to take toddler to Urgent Care?

When should I take my son to ER or urgent care? Health care provider is closed.

My son is 3yrs old, currently showing symptoms of dry persistent cough. 3-4 coughs in a row every hr. Trouble sleeping at night due to persistent cough.

He’s been sick for 5 days. First 2 days had a low grade fever of 100.8. After fever stopped after 2 day a cough started to form with phlegm. As well as an eye infection On his right eye with a mucus discharge where he couldn’t open his eye. After the 4th day He now has a dry cough. No fever anymore. No signs of eye infection. Treated his fever with childrens motrin and helped soothe cough with zarbees cough and immune system medicine.

He’s currently more alert , but still has not want to leave his bed. Only to use restroom. He’s frequently using the restroom 4xs a day , drinking at least 8oz of fluids a day. Maybe 1-2 spoon foods of food that I’ve provided. Also signs of diarrhea yesterday afternoon. But not severely , has had it twice since the first time going yesterday and last time went as of 9:00am this morning.

Male | 3 years old
Complaint duration: 5 days
Medications: None
Conditions: None

1 Answer

The symptoms that you describe are typical for a viral upper respiratory infection. The trajectory of symptoms that you describe sounds like he is slowly getting better as he approaches the end of the first week of illness which is what is usually seen. Week two is usually marked by continued improvement in symptoms and with return of both appetite and energy levels. You are doing everything correctly in terms of providing supportive care. Increasing his oral fluid intake may help - about an ounce of fluid per pound of body weight per day is advised to maintain overall hydration. If nasal congestion is clogging the nose and making it difficult to drink/swallow comfortably, use of saline nose drops and suctioning can help greatly. He does not need to be seen in an UC or ER at this point in time. If he were to develop fever beyond 5-7 days of illness or experiences rapid or labored breathing then he should be checked. Good luck.