“Where is the pressure point for anxiety?”
I am a 39 year old male. I want to know where is the pressure point for anxiety?
19 Answers
there are many points on the body for anxiety, it depends on the reason that you have anxiety
I use needles to stimulate the acupuncture points, I do not do acupressure
I use needles to stimulate the acupuncture points, I do not do acupressure
There are several points especially in the ear, which can reduce anxiety…Best to get to the root of your anxiety in order to heal it….Eliminating sugary foods and sweets, walking daily, getting at least 7 hours of restful sleep, deep breathing, gentle Yoga, meditation all can help too…
Lejla Fazlicic
Migraines have different cause and based on underlying condition set of acupuncture points are chosen.
Good luck
Dr. Leila
Good luck
Dr. Leila
Good afternoon,
There are couple set of acupuncture points for anxiety. For example, SP6, SP9, STO 36, STO 35. Because anxiety may be caused by different problems, therefore, the point is different. Please also ask your acupuncturist.
There are couple set of acupuncture points for anxiety. For example, SP6, SP9, STO 36, STO 35. Because anxiety may be caused by different problems, therefore, the point is different. Please also ask your acupuncturist.
I suggest you see an acupuncturist for a good number of sessions. He or she can help you out with massage for your anxiety and/or stress!
The pressure point for anxiety is called PC6 2in. Above the crease of the wrist, between the two tendons of the wrist.
There isn’t one easy point for anxiety, other than pressing the third eye between the eyebrows. But a good technique for calming yourself is to rub your palms together until they create some heat and put one palm over the heart and one palm underneath the navel. Close your eyes and tune into the heat created under the palms, connecting them in your mind’s eye.
Natalie Ramsey, MS LAc
Natalie Ramsey, MS LAc
Anxiety may be due to various causes and the treatment will depend on the cause. One general anxiety point (Yin yang) is on the glabella, AKA the "third eye." It is located between the eyebrows in the depression on the forehead’s skull & the eyebrow bones. One can depress it for several minutes, they say 300-500 stimulations per minute.
Live Happy,
Live Happy,
There is no individual pressure point to relieve shoulder pain. Acupuncture is a holistic medicine that looks at the whole body, and any individual issue in relation to the whole picture. The pressure points unique to your anxiety would be different than those for someone else - it would take an appointment with a provider to diagnose you specifically and give you a plan.
You can use Yin Tang and P6. Look those up on Google for location. Also go to YouTube and look up meditation for anxiety. Practice.

Mr. Anthony James Lorenzo
In the sense that you are really asking me to diagnose and prescribe a point to fix your symptoms without knowing anything about you, no. In the sense that can this medicine, and a fully trained person applying it to you, help you, then yes.
There are several points that you can use to treat anxiety. I recommend you visit your acupuncturist to learn which point or set of points are best for you.
Symptoms of anxiety have different from person to person. Please consult your local acupuncturists for advice.
There are some pressure points you can treat for anxiety, such as yin tang (between the eyebrows), ren zong (between the upper lip and the nose), tai yan (the depression behind the end of the eyebrow), bai hui (two ear tips up to the midpoint of the head), guan yuan (three inches below the belly button), qi hai (1.5 inches below the belly button), zu san li (three inches below the eye of the knee and one inch outside the tibia), etc.
I don't know of any pressure point for anxiety. Acupuncture is much more complicated than finding the buttons on the body that do this or that.