Dental Hygienist Questions Orthodontist

Which crown is the best natural looking for front teeth?

I want to get crowns on my front teeth. Which crown is the best natural looking for front teeth?

4 Answers

It varies case by case. I would consult with a board certified prosthodontist about what is best for you
The most aesthetic crown material available today are either lithium disilicate or zirconia. Each has a specific advantage and disadvantage. Both can be veneered with Porcelain to greatly improve the final esthetic appearance of the new crown(s). Good luck!
Dr. J Doundoulakis, prosthodontist, Greenwich CT
Layered porcelain is usually the best looking but not the strongest. Zirconia crowns are strong but not as luminescent as feldspathic or lithium disilicate or emax crowns. A good compromise between strength and cosmetics is EMAX. But there are differences in opinion from one practitioner to another and from one lab to another as well.