“Which is better tummy tuck or liposuction?”
I am a 42 year old female. I want to know which is better tummy tuck or liposuction?
5 Answers
It depends on the amount of skin laxity and the quality of skin that is going to be treated. Sometimes suction assisted lipectomy will suffice a persons needs and sometimes you need a combination of liposuction and abdominal plasty and in other instances abdominal plasty will take care of the problem. The best thing is to get a consultation with a board-certified plastic surgeon and see which procedure is best for you.
That's a great question.
It really depends on a number of individual factors. Liposuction only removes fat, but does not remove excess skin. So, liposuction works best if skin tone is adequate and not too much is in excess. Liposuction has the advantage of generally smaller scars and the down time is often less than for an abdominoplasty (tummy tuck). However, if the skin is in excess and stretched out and the elasticity is not good, then a tummy tuck may be needed. The tummy tuck has the advantage of removing both excess skin and excess fat, and can also tighten the underlying muscle-fascia layer of the abdominal wall. Tightening the deeper muscle layer is especially helpful for women after pregnancies. which can stretch-out this layer. The disadvantage of an abdominoplasty compared to liposuction is that it results in more scar in the lower tummy. Sometimes liposuction can be combined with abdominoplasty. As with all surgeries and plastic surgeries, there are risks and benefits for you to consider before you proceed, and your doctor should explain these to you. Be sure to pick a properly trained and qualified plastic surgeon with expertise and experience in both liposuction and abdominoplasty techniques to help you make your best informed decision.
It really depends on a number of individual factors. Liposuction only removes fat, but does not remove excess skin. So, liposuction works best if skin tone is adequate and not too much is in excess. Liposuction has the advantage of generally smaller scars and the down time is often less than for an abdominoplasty (tummy tuck). However, if the skin is in excess and stretched out and the elasticity is not good, then a tummy tuck may be needed. The tummy tuck has the advantage of removing both excess skin and excess fat, and can also tighten the underlying muscle-fascia layer of the abdominal wall. Tightening the deeper muscle layer is especially helpful for women after pregnancies. which can stretch-out this layer. The disadvantage of an abdominoplasty compared to liposuction is that it results in more scar in the lower tummy. Sometimes liposuction can be combined with abdominoplasty. As with all surgeries and plastic surgeries, there are risks and benefits for you to consider before you proceed, and your doctor should explain these to you. Be sure to pick a properly trained and qualified plastic surgeon with expertise and experience in both liposuction and abdominoplasty techniques to help you make your best informed decision.
Wow - this is a tough question to answer without a physical examination! If you have good skin elasticity with stubborn fat deposits, then liposuction can be a good option without the need for big incisions. However, if you have significant excess abdominal skin with poor integrity (stretch marks), then liposuction alone will leave you dissatisfied, as it will not address the contour that skin excision, combined with internal muscle tightening (abdominoplasty, a.k.a. tummy tuck), can provide. Make sure to voice your cosmetic concerns with a duly trained, Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, one who can help determine which surgery would best meet your body contouring needs!
Nirav B. Patel, MD, JD, FACS, FCLM
Nirav B. Patel, MD, JD, FACS, FCLM
You need to be seen to know what you need. Neither is better, they are for different problems. If you had children or lost weight, usually a tummy tuck is needed because of excess skin. Lipo removes love handles or a poochy stomach -- in either case they do not replace diet and exercise for obesity.
William B. Rosenblatt, M.D.
William B. Rosenblatt, M.D.