Surgeon Questions surgeon

Which surgery is used for rectal prolapse?

I was diagnosed with rectal prolapse and want to fix it. Which surgery is used for rectal prolapse?

2 Answers

Please watch You Tube videos and read Wikipedia. It depends on the type or stage of rectal prolapse.
Hello, that is an excellent question. There are 2 approaches to repair rectal prolapse. The first is through the abdomen. The colon is either tacked down to the pelvis, so it is no longer lax enough to prolapse out of the rectum, or in some cases, a portion of the colon is removed, in order to excise the excess length. The decision to perform the latter or the former is based on your current symptoms, size of prolapse, and general health condition. This approach, which can be done laparoscopically, or robotically, offers the best long-term results. However, If you've had several surgeries in the abdomen, this may be a less favorable approach. The second option, is transanal excision. Rather than entering the abdomen, the rectum is prolapsed, and the colon is resected trans-analy, in order to shorten the length and prevent prolapse. This is typically done for the elderly and frail, who cannot tolerate abdominal surgery. It has a slightly higher chance of recurrence when compared to the abdominal approach. Hope this helps!