Dentist Questions Dentist

White bump inside lip?

I've always had a little white bump that looks like it's inside my lip but as of late I feel like it's even more noticeable help? What is it?

Female | 20 years old
Medications: None
Conditions: None

3 Answers

You will have to get it examined at a dental office to know for sure. The possibilities could range from trauma (lip bite), a cyst, clogged saliva gland, or something more ominous like cancer. You will not know for sure until you get it looked at.
Your picture is not detailed enough to provide you a solid answer. White bumps on your lips could be many things. The area needs to be looked at closely to provide you an answer.
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These types of occurrences are frequently ectopic salivary glads or traumatic fibromas. In any case, it is necessary to have this evaluated by your healthcare professional.
Hope this is helpful.