Internal Medicine Questions Internal Medicine


I have a friend who recently passed away. She had an internal pain pump that dispersed morphine for a serious back injury. One day, the pump malfunctioned and she suffered a massive overdose.
She spent months in the hospital barely able to lift her head from her pillow. Once home, she was bedridden and had to be cared for. For 3 years she suffered and finally passed away recently. I want to get information on what could have happened because she never recovered.

Female | 58 years old
Complaint duration: 3 years

1 Answer

I am very sorry about your friend. Without knowing the specific details involving the pump and the overdose and hospitalization, the most reasonable conclusion was that the overdose caused an anoxic brain injury (there was a period of time in which the brain did not receive adequate oxygen), and this complicated the medical condition(s) that required the pump initially, and there were too many problems for the body to recover.