You ask a great question; but a better question is are you perimenopausal with hormone swings that are leading toward menopause? When menstrual bleeding has dysfunctional bleeding or every 2wk bleeding, it usually means you missed ovulating the month before so you didn’t make Progesterone, giving you an unstable uterine lining that continues to grow so you bleed ‘on time’ at approx. 28days, but then you bleed again in 2wks to finish the lining that you didn’t bleed out at your ‘period’; then you ovulate that month so you bleed again 2wks later. So a true dysfunctional bleed is bleeding every 2 weeks x 3, then your body ‘resets’ and if you ovulate again, then you are back to a monthly bleeding cycle. This type of irregular bleeding happens more commonly with the hormone swings of perimenopause leading to menopause. If you would like a little more information about what else to expect from this time of your menstrual career, check out Full Bloom: Perimenopause, Menopause, PostMenopause and Beyond on Amazon by Dr. Victoria J Mondloch; it is an easy to read reference.