Obstetrics & Gynecology Questions OB-GYN

Why can't I feel anything?

I'm 18 and 5'3 and about 150 pounds. I can't find pleasure in masturbation or sex. I've tried but it feels like I'm touching any other part of my body. I'm in shape and I have regular periods. I take birth control but it's mainly for my acne. This has been an issue before I started taking birth control.

Female | 18 years old
Complaint duration: My whole life
Medications: Birthcontrol

2 Answers

Have your Estradiol and Testosterone levels checked - I am pretty sure they are low - if that is the case consider stopping birth control pills and see if they come back up after 2-3 months. Your sex hormone levels are low when you are a teenager and getting better and better as you approach 20 but if your ovary is suppressed by birth control and your hormones were low due to age before you started the pill, that would be an easy explanation. Not all GYN docs believe in addressing hormone health or sexual health in a 18 year old - please consider finding one that has experience in such issues.
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