Podiatrist (Foot and Ankle Specialist) Questions Itchy feet

Why could my feet be so itchy?

Lately, the bottoms of my feet have been really itchy and I'm not sure what to do. There are also some bumps on the bottom of them. What could this be? Is it serious?

33 Answers

Hello, Thank you for your question. We you have to evaluate you and take foot x-rays if needed. Please call our office 973-817-9577 or on our portal drtotten.com for an appointment.
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Itchy feet with bumps may be caused by fungus commonly known as athlete’s foot. It is imperative to see a podiatrist for evaluation and treatment to prevent worsening of condition.
Most likely it is a fungus. You can try a spray for athletes foot. As long as there are any blisters use a spray instead of a cream, also clean out all your shoes with a disinfectant that kills fungus. If there is not improvement over a week or so see a podiatrist

It's best to be evaluated by a specialist
The most common cause for these symptoms is foot fungus or "athletes foot." If you are unable to see a podiatrist right away you may try an over-the-counter antifungal cream twice daily prior to seeing the podiatrist or dermatologist. While athletes foot is the most common reason for these symptoms the cause may be more serious and it's important to see your doctor as soon as possible.
Usually some type of fungal infection
It probably isn't serious, but certainly annoying. There are several possible causes - ie: dermatitis (skin inflammation), eczema, fungal infection (athletes foot), allergic reaction, etc. You need to be evaluated by a Board Certified Podiatric Surgeon or a Dermatologist.
You probably have atopic eczema.
Need an eval.
Best option is to go see your Podiatrist, but it could be that you have athletes foot and it is becoming worse. It needs to be treated so it does not spread and become worse for you. The bumps can be a different matter i would recommend you seeing a Podiatrist right away. Have a great day!
Sounds like an early fungus condition. Try over-the-counter meds first. If no improvement, seek a specialist.
Sounds like athletes foot and this is a fungus infection and so for this over the counter creams work but the best is a prescribed cream for athletes foot. Will need to see a podiatrist for this cream to cure the problem.
Fungal infections, allergic reactions, contact dermatitis, insect bites, etc. If I can see the tissues, I would be better able to advise. To guess at this would be a disservice to you and may prolong your problem if I'm wrong.
Could be athlete's foot (fungus), dry skin, or a type of dermatitis.
This probably is a condition referred to as Tinea Pedis athletics feet. You should seek the care of your local Podiatrtist for a form therapeutics for the condition.
You may have tinea pedis (athletes foot). It’s a fungal infection. You should see a podiatrist.

Thank you,

Ujjwal K. Datta, DPM, FACFAS
This could be a fungal infection. It could also be eczema or some other skin condition. A doctor would be able help you with this, once they see it.
You might have tinea pedis (athletes foot) or a form of eczema. These conditions can be easily treated with the appropriate topical medication.
Could be fungus, too much sweat, or any of a thousand dermatitis, including parasites.
Itchy bumps on the bottom of the feet could be athlete's foot, a fungal skin infection. See your doc to evaluate and treat this properly.
If your feet sweat often, this can contribute to itching and scaling of the feet. This is likely athlete's foot (tinea pedis). I recommend you schedule an appointment with a podiatrist for an evaluation so the proper diagnosis and treatment can be initiated.
Likely it's a form of athlete's foot. May need topical medication. Sometimes we will prescribe oral medication depending on the severity.
Making any medical diagnosis from an email question is irresponsible on the part of the physician. It is important that you seek a professional either podiatrist or dermatologist for definitive answer and treatment appropriately
Itchy, dry scaling skin, occasionally with punctate pustules (bumps) with clear watery drainage if scratched open in a moccasin distribution can be a sign of Tinea Pedis, also know as "Athlete's Foot Rash". Tinea Pedis comes in many shapes and forms and can be very mild to extremely severe. Most respond well to topical anti-fungal medications, but more severe types occasionally require prescription oral and topical medications.
The symptoms you describe are consistence with athletic feet. I suggest you see a physician for a special prescription to help treat this condition.
It is possible you have athelet's foot. May need medication either topically or orally to help.
Possible athletes feet. Over the counter anti-fungal may help. If not after 1 week
Good question, it is likely Tinea Pedis, aka Athletes foot. If it doesn't work with over-the-counter treatments, see a doctor.
Most likely, you have acute vesicular tinea pedis (fungal infection). Use OTC Nizoral Shampoo and wash at pm, but don’t rinse off till am. Then, apply an antifungal like Lamisil or Lotramin. Give it a full 30 days, not the one week people suggest. Wash normally, no special soaks as that often kills normal flora (bacteria) and promotes fungus.
It could be a fungal and or other dermatological condition. If it hasn’t responded to over-the-counter remedies, have it looked at.
Itchy feet are oftentimes related to an athlete's foot infection. A topical anti-fungal applied to the feet 2x/day for a duration of 6-8 weeks often resolves the condition. With that said, there are, however, rarer, much more serious conditions that can also present as itchy bumps on the bottom of the feet. It's always a good idea to have it checked out to make sure the condition is not a serious one.
You probably have a fungal infection on the bottom of the feet called athlete's foot. The first thing to try is to purchase an over-the-counter antifungal medication and apply it to the bottom of the left and right feet for 2 weeks. If your symptoms do not resolve, you should see a podiatrist for further evaluation.
It sounds like it could be a fungal infection (Athletes Foot), but there could also be other issues causing you to itch or to have bumps. My recommendation would be to try an over-the-counter topical anti-fungal cream (ask your pharmacist) and use it twice a day for 2-3 weeks. It it does not improve, see your local Podiatrist.