Gastroenterologist Questions Ovarian Cancer

Why did my lil sister get Ovarian cancer? she did the genetic testing and it was negative, my father died of prostate cancer and my aunt died of ovarian cancer stage 4

My sister was 38 yrs old when diagnosed w Ovarian cancer she was stage 3 now thank God she has no more cancer ? But still getting chemotherapy she also got the spray that sprays for the white cells. I wish we knew how this happened. I do know for sure that she use to use a lot of baby powder back in 2009 and 2010 we honestly think that was the cause of it.

Female | 39 years old
Medications: Chemo
Conditions: Ovarian cancer survivor

2 Answers

Environmental agents and genetic susceptibility are both considered to be able to give rise to malignant disease.
Please make sure you as well as other siblings/ relatives get tested early for early diagnosis. The key to survival is diagnosis in early stages.
There many different causes of ovarian cancer. Alcohol smoking, are risk factors.  Braca 1 and 2 mutations are associated with ovarian cancer, breast cancer prostate cancer and you sister should be tested. There are other genetic mutations that can increase risks of ovarian cancer as well.  Talc powder in the 1970s contained asbestos contamination which is and irritant and woman who use to place it on there genitals or sanitary pads have an increased risk of ovarian cancer. After 1971 there were regulations against the companies and asbestos contamination stopped. Whether the new talc causes ovarian cancer is still being evaluated. I hope your sister is feeling better.