“Why do I suddenly get palpitations at night?”
I am a 45 year old woman and I have been experiencing palpitations all of a sudden at night, even when I am relaxed and just watching television. These palpitations become extremely intense making me feel very nervous along with some sweating. What could be the reason for this? Is is a cause for worry?
3 Answers
A complete history and physical exam is in order. With palpations (even though you're young) an echo and halter monitor should be obtained. A thought would be hormonal blood tests (16 of them) should be considered, rule out premature menopause if that is possible, also I would get basic blood tests, and go from there.
Julia G. Ansari
It is very important for you to have a holter or event monitor to know what type of arrhythmia do you have and how do you need to get treated. AVNRT is a common type of arrhythmia in young patients without other comorbidities that can sometimes be terminated with valsalva and can be easily ablated. First step is to diagnose what arrhythmia you have, so get a holter.