Orthopaedic Surgeon Questions Orthopaedic Surgeon

Why do my legs feel so heavy after a truck hit me while walking?

I was hit by a truck going 55 mph while walking about 2 years ago. I suffered a brain hematoma and no longer dream and have amnesia about the day I was hit and weeks later in hospital, lacerated internal organs. I take over-the-counter sleeping pills or I won't be able to sleep. The final injury is where my question is: each of my legs feels like it weighs 300 lbs. making it nearly impossible to get back in shape by walking and I cannot find what the diagnosis for this condition is; do you know its name? The closest I found was partial paraplegia, is this it? I have no numbness or tingling; my legs just feel awfully heavy.

Female | 43 years old
Complaint duration: 2 years

1 Answer

It seems that the significant trauma experienced may have caused spasticity (heavy weight sensation, stiffness, difficulty moving or controlling). Condition often seen after insults to the brain and spinal cord. Given the fact that you only report this being in your legs; one would lean more towards the lower spine (Lumbosacral spinal cord). I did not read if you had spinal cord trauma (contusion), but from the description, it is quite possible. I did not read about any bowel or bladder problems (retention or incontinence); in this case, would indicate spinal cord. The name partial paraplegia means Incomplete paralysis or weakness of the two extremities. It is a descriptive term to spell out what you are experiencing. I would suggest participating in physical therapy to help you improve and regain better function and control of your legs.
I hope this offered some clearance and guidance. 

Dr. F
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