Dentist Questions Dentist

Why does holding water in my mouth stop my toothache?

I am a 22 year old male. I want to know why does holding water in my mouth stop my toothache?

4 Answers

Because it constricts the blood vessel inside of the tooth. If cold water eases your toothache, you will need to have a root canal or have the tooth extracted.
It depends - can't say for sure. It may depend on the temperature of the water, how long it remains in the mouth, whether the pulp is dying or there is just decay. See your dentist.
Water is most likely soothing to the infected nerve in your tooth. See your American Dental Association dentist for dental treatment.
Some toothache help with cold water and some toothache help with warm water- it is because of "tooth nerve" reaction. However, if it happen often, it is not normal, suggest to have a consultation with dentist.