“Why does my daughter get angry when she can't say words?”
My 2 year old daughter gets angry when she can't say words. She makes a fist with her hands.
8 Answers
Very normal because she is at the stage of learning language and her inability to communicate her thoughts can be frustrating and angry. you have a very smart daughter, just be patient with her. This stage will end when she starts to elaborate on her language. Hope that helps.
She is frustrated that she either doesn’t know the word that she wants to use or can’t say the word for any reason. Try to stay calm and if you know the word, say it for your child. This might help her relieve her frustration and begin to ease the situation. If it continues, take her for a speech/language evaluation to evaluate why she is having this condition. Hopefully it should be done by an early childhood intervention specialist. If you have a college or university that offers a master’s degree in speech language pathologist, this would be the best place to contact for an evaluation. If not, contact your local education department in your area for a recommendation. Reading daily to your child is a very good thing to do. Good luck and best wishes, Darrell Lauer
When children are unable to communicate it causes them to become frustrated just as if an adult was trying to tell someone something and they weren't understanding them. Just try to keep her calm and give her other ways to communicate (e.g., gestures, choices, sign (paired with word), etc.)
She is frustrated! Kids who can’t express their wants and needs become very frustrated. Be patient and try to model the words for her. Get down on her eye level so she can see your mouth and know that you are listening to her.
Not being able to communicate can be frustrating. It is likely that her anger stems from her difficulty saying words.
Karen Young
Jupiter, FL
She most likely gets angry because she may not yet have the words to express her emotions, wants, etc. She recognizes she's upset, for example, but doesn't know the vocabulary or have the sounds yet to express that. You can get a simple picture book of emotions to help her and model the words with your own facial expressions. Two is a big age...lots of emotions coinciding with emerging vocabulary and sound development.