Gastroenterologist | Gastroenterology Questions Gastroenterologist

Why does old gastro test indicate allergies?

2005 Esophagogastroduodenoscopy re poor eating, to see if celiac: esophagus looked eroded with erythema and some whitish material. After brushing this lining significant friability was noted with mild bleeding...upon entry into the stomach it again showed erythema...biopsies were taken. Pathology report: distal and proximal esophagus squamous mucosa showing a dense infiltrate of inflammatory cells including many esinophils, hyperplastic changes in the squamous mucosa. The abundance of eosinophils is highly suggestive of allergy.

Female | 35 years old
Complaint duration: 03/10/2005
Medications: Depekote Spr/Clonopin/Keppra
Conditions: developmentally disabled/seizures/ 201`5 Allergist ..allergic to Xanthan (it is a ingredient in all 3 covid 19 vaccines)

4 Answers

If there were more than 20 eosinophils per HPF, dx is eosinophilia esophagitis. Food allergies may trigger this condition. You need to see an allergist. Proton pump inhibitors such as Omeprazole and Nexium may be helpful in treating this condition.
This is suggestive of a common problem called eosinophilic esophagitis. A typical symptom is difficulty swallowing food. You may also feel pain when swallowing and heartburn. It can be treated with acid blockers and some allergy medications, which are available as suspensions to be swallowed.
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Read about eosinophilic esophagitis
If there are many eosinophils seen under the microscope on an esophageal biopsy, then this is consistent with a condition called eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE), which is an allergic reaction to food. This requires specific treatment or food elimination. Your GI doctor who took the biopsy is responsible for explaining this to you and discussing the therapeutic options.