Ear-Nose and Throat Doctor (ENT) Questions

Why have my ears been popping for months?

My ears have been popping when I swallow, yawn, and more for about 3 months now. I dont know why but I've been doing some research and google told me it could be the buildup of earwax, though im not certain thats it since i dont use q-tips but rather just wash my ear with a wet cloth like suggested. Im not sure excatly whats causing this but i hate it.

Female | 13 years old
Complaint duration: months
Medications: none
Conditions: none

2 Answers

There is a tube that connects the back of your throat with the inner part of the ear,this is called the eustachian tube. Normally air passes up and down this tube unnoticed. However if there is swelling in the tube one can get bubbles of air that can be the cause of the popping. Allergies are the most likely cause of prolonged popping. Inflammation may be another cause. An antihistamine may help resolve the problem. allegra or zyrtec Without looking in your ear I doubt wax is a contributing factor
What you are experiencing sounds like eustachian tube dysfunction. The eustachian tube connects your middle ear (the space behind your ear drum) to the back of your nose. Dysfunction of this tube most commonly can occur during/after a cold/flu or due to allergies or sinus problems.