Plastic Surgeon Questions Plastic Surgeon

Why is my nose so oily after rhinoplasty?

After rhinoplasty my nose skin feels very oily. Is it normal after rhinoplasty? What can I do?

6 Answers

probably you have the dressing and the splint on your nose for awhile.
The oily sebaceous nature of your nose, falling rhinoplasty is enhanced due to swelling. As swelling goes down, your nose will take on more normal characteristics for you. This will take up to 12 months.
I cannot answer your question as this is not a concern when doing rhinoplasty surgery. I have never had a patient ever say this. AND , I have never heard this complaint ???
Tough question to answer without knowing (1) how far out you are from your surgery and (2) a little more detail about your skin history, including whether you had oily skin beforehand.

It is quite possible that you could be feeling some residual skin adhesive that might have been used to apply your surgical splints and/or SteriStrips to secure the splint, if you are still relatively early postop (first couple of weeks).

If it is truly oily skin, however, you can certainly avail of over-the-counter skin cleansers, but always check with your original surgeon first, especially as you do not want to be applying undue pressure to your delicate post-surgical nose within the first six (6) weeks of your operation.

If simple over-the-counter cleansers do not work after several weeks, then you may want to consider the advice of a Board-Certified Dermatologist, who can best partner with you to address your oil imbalance to your nasal skin.

It is unlikely that your nasal skin has suddenly gotten oily due to anything directly related to the surgery beyond adhesives or other topical agents that might have come into contact with it. It could also be possible that you had oily skin preoperatively, but became more attentive to it now that you have had surgery in that area of your face.

Nirav B. Patel, MD, JD, FACS, FCLM
Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon
Plastic, Reconstructive, Aesthetic, & Oculoplastic Surgery

Patel Plastic Surgery, LLC
11459 Johns Creek Parkway
Suite 240
Johns Creek, GA 30097

Office 470-395-6932
Fax 470-395-6951
Cell 203-710-9952
Just allow for skin to settle down. Do not change normal washing habits or usual moisturizers. As it settles everything should return to “normal”.
Yes. Wash soap and water until clear