General Practitioner Questions Shoulder pain

Why is there sudden pain in my shoulders

My left shoulder upper arm area just had a wave of random pain. It was sharp and intense and I assumed I slept on it and that it would go away so I went about my day. Deep breathing intensifies the pain. When I take deep breaths the pain gets worse should I seek medical attention? Or is this just a classic case of I slept wrong?

Female | 18 years old
Complaint duration: 3 days
Medications: None
Conditions: None

3 Answers

You shuld definitely see your doctor. It could be a benign condtion, altough various more serious conditions should be ruled out. If nothing untoward is found, you should seek out a low level laser therapist.
Observe it for now
If you do not know what caused pain and not relieved or getting better you need to seek medical attention especially intensifies on deep breathing.