Doctor Questions Endocrinology-Diabetes

Why my blood pressure and blood sugar high?

My blood pressure and blood sugar are high at the doctor's office. When I check it at home it's normal what's the problem is it unhealthy please explain it to me I'm a diabetic and have high blood pressure. I eat healthy and I don't eat salt or sugar. I eat baked food and Granny Smith apples and dark chocolate, walnuts, and raw pineapple. I drink apple cider vinegar and squeeze lemon with water.

Male | 56 years old
Medications: Metformin 1000 Amlodipine Pioglitazone Pravastatin Olmessartan
Conditions: High blood pressure and blood sugar

2 Answers

The data you give is too little, What is your weight? What device do you use? The hand taken method is the most accurate for bp. Your blood pressure should never be high even in the MD's office. If it truly is only high there, which I doubt, then you can stress yourself into high BP. There are continuous bp monitoring systems. And continuous glucose monitoring devices are also available.