Acupuncture Questions Podiatrist

Will ankle pain go away on its own?

I have ankle pain, and it seems swollen. Will it go away on its own? Should I see a doctor?

14 Answers

That depends on what the cause of the ankle pain is
It depends on the cause. Mild ankle pain from a minor sprain or overuse often improves with rest, ice, compression, and elevation (RICE) within a few days to weeks. However, you should see a doctor if:

⚠️ Swelling is severe or lasts more than a few days
⚠️ You can't bear weight or walk without pain
⚠️ The joint feels unstable or deformed
⚠️ Pain worsens or doesn't improve after 1–2 weeks
⚠️ You notice redness, warmth, or fever (signs of infection)

Bottom line: Mild pain may resolve on its own with care, but persistent or worsening symptoms need a doctor's evaluation to prevent long-term issues.
I recommend you make an appointment with a foot and ankle surgeon (podiatrist) for further recommendations.
Some ankle pain can go away on its owe but a lot in this case were not, so better go see a doctor.
Good-afternoon, 1. Happy Holiday season. 2. If it is a mild inflammation, it may go away by itself. If it doesn't goes away within 3 days, I strongly suggest that you call your doctor for a second opinion. Thank you. Have a great day. David
It is best to have a professional make an assessment. Podiatrists, and your PCP can be good avenues to start.
Ankle pain and swelling should resolve on its own.It depends on what caused it in the first place.
I think you'd better go and see a doctor to find out the cause.
Did you injure your ankle or was the swelling spontaneous?
Some ankle pain goes away on its own, however most, especially when swollen, usually involves some kind of sprain or strain and assistance is recommended. Acupuncture can help immediately reduce swelling and pain. For a consult or more specifics on your case, email
It is possible. It really depends on the cause. Not much information for me to go by here....
See a doctor ASAP. It could be a circulatory problem. 
If a minor injury is sustained, ankle pain may subside over time with palliative care including rest, ice, and range of motion exercise. If there you have experienced trauma or repetitive movement has caused the ankle pain, it is recommended that you consult with a healthcare professional for further evaluation and treatment.
Unfortunately I am unable to answer your question. Did you have an injury? How old are you? Do you have swelling in other joints? If you have not had any recent injury and the swelling persists I would certainly see a physician. cbm Christopher B Michelsen, MD, FAOA, FAAOS, FACS Col (Ret) US Professor (Emeritus) Orthopaedic Surgery Columbia University, College of P&S