Ophthalmologist Questions

Will my 4yo outgrow glasses?

My 4yo daughter prescribed glasses today and I am in shock. This will cause problems as I know adjustment to wearing glasses will not be easy for her. Her prescription is plus 2 in both eyes for far-sightedness. She's never had a problem - we just went for routine healthcheck after she had blurry eyes on and off and a headache following covid. This has come out of the blue - the sudden need for prescription. I'm told she may only wear the glasses 6mths or maybe longer to correct her vision?!

Female | 48 years old

3 Answers

Great question! It's not uncommon for children to be prescribed glasses for various reasons, such as far-sightedness, especially after experiencing symptoms like blurry vision and headaches. While it may come as a surprise, it's important to know that wearing glasses can greatly improve your daughter's vision and overall eye health. Plus 2 prescription for far-sightedness is not unusual in children her age. As for whether she will outgrow her glasses, every child is different, and it's difficult to predict with certainty. However, many children's vision stabilizes as they grow older, and some may eventually need less correction or even no glasses at all. In the meantime, it's crucial for your daughter to wear her glasses as prescribed by her eye care professional. This will help her vision develop properly and prevent potential complications in the future. It's understandable that adjusting to wearing glasses may take some time, but with patience, encouragement, and positive reinforcement, most children adapt well. Additionally, regular follow-up appointments with her eye care provider will ensure that her vision is monitored closely and any necessary adjustments to her prescription are made as needed. If you have any further concerns or questions, don't hesitate to discuss them with your daughter's eye care provider. They are there to support you and your daughter every step of the way in her vision journey.
Most children start out farsighted and outgrow this. In some cases if there is too much farsightedness then a glasses Rx can be given. If she is having headaches with reading and close work it is possible that she is unable to naturally focus through her current farsightedness; people who are stressed/fatigued after any health issue may temporarily have difficulty with near vision, so this may well be temporary. As a test, you could have her wear glasses at home with near work/play and see if headaches are better with glasses on as opposed to off. It sounds as though this will get better with time, but certainly a good question for your eye doctor in her specific case.
A +2 D prescription will help keep her eyes aligned, and allow her to see to read with less strain. She wont learn as much at school or at home if she gets headaches or eye strain when she reads..so without glasses she is more likely to lag in her progress in school. She will adapt to glasses easier at 4 years of age than 10+ years of age. So encourage her to read with the glasses!! Tell her how wonderful and amazing she looks with them! Most kids who have + 2 D of glasses Rx correction needed at 4 years of age will need little to no prescription as teenagers. But without that prescription at 4 years old, the child could have worsening eye misalignment that would require glasses starting at a later date just to keep the eyes aligned (and prevent double vision!)