Dentist (Pediatric) Questions Dentist

Wisdom teeth?

About 2 days ago I started having a mild to moderate pain in the back of my mouth and at the same time I was feeling inconvenient moving my jaw. I noticed that on the left upper side of my mouth my wisdom teeth has almost grown. Btw This is the same area where the pain comes from. I've taken some painkillers to relief myself and today I feel a little better but my mouth still hurts. Should I worry about my wisdom teeth, it is normal that I had that pain or should I be concerned about having to do a removal surgery?

Male | 17 years old
Complaint duration: 3 days
Medications: Painkillers
Conditions: Pain in the back of my mouth

7 Answers

Schedule an appointment to see your dentist. He or she will give you a referral to an oral surgeon. Most likely the wisdom teeth will need to be extracted.
I think you should see a dentist. They will take an X-ray of the jaw to assess. Most likely this is due to your wisdom teeth, but a good idea to get it properly checked.
Sounds like you will need to have the wisdom tooth extracted.
You should be evaluated by your dentist to determine if the teeth require extraction and if they are infected or simply erupting into place.
You should have it evaluated by a dentist. At least have an X-ray taken to see the location of the wisdom tooth in relation to the other teeth.
It is a good idea to have an oral surgeon check the area.
At 17, those upper wisdom teeth will start to erupt through the gums. If they are freshly through the gums, infection is unlikely. Infection can occur around the gums if there are large gum flaps over the crown or biting surface of the tooth or if you have deep gum pockets around the tooth.

Infection will usually be accompanied by swelling, possibly whitish yellow pus, and/or a bad taste/smell coming from the area. This is also at least 10x more common in lower wisdom teeth.

Rinsing with salt water might help. Usually, pain and pressure that come with wisdom tooth eruption comes and goes in waves. You can always have your Dentist take a look if the pain is not decreasing after a few more days.